What Corona has done

When Jabez was of age. His heart was burdened … Here was a young man that wanted to blossom. He wanted to stand out – honor his father by being honorable. Yet hanging in his closet was a declaration from his birth that he would cause pain. That he would be nothing but pain. That he was going to something very far from honor, pain.

The bible shows Jabez in the wake of his adulthood – head bowed, heart burning, tears flowing, tired and beaten down by the trouble that followed him. A trouble that was pronounced to continue following him. The young man yearned for a better name, a better legacy … the man saw dreams he knew he was too limited to afford. But even so, he allowed his feet into the presence of God. He knelt under His power and in a sentence spoken with a heavy sigh Jabez said,

” OH LORD, that you will bless me indeed, that you will enlarge my territory, that your mighty hand will be upon me and that you would keep me from evil so that I may not cause pain.”

This humble heart felt prayer was explosive. God heard and therefore acted on Jabez’s behalf … God caused him to stand head and shoulder above his brothers and entire lineage. Bitterness and pain became God’s tool to harness a blessing no man from the lineage of Jabez had ever seen

God hears the prayers of confused and pained adults … He hears the heart of those of us who are too often deemed unable, unworthy, incapable. I know that because you have lost your job at age 32, that’s too hard to hear this. But it is the truth. I know that this is hard to believe because you have searched the lands for your purpose in vain – but yes even at 50 – God wants to dive in and work with you to cause a life never before witnessed on the face of the earth. I know that at such a time it is too easy to see our incompetences, how at 24,23,26,25,20,21 you are not as you expected or they expected

I know you don’t know what next – you probably don’t see a next. But you don’t have to see anything for God to move – all you need is the posture of Jabez (which you have probably been carrying around for a big part of your life)

The truth is COVID-19 hasn’t caused you confusion – it has just exposed your confusion. It hasn’t given you pain – It has just exposed your pain. It has not brought you instability – it has simply exposed your instability. It has not caused you to question yourself, it has just revealed your questionable self. I want you to realize the opportunity in this time – I want to realize the opportunity in this time

Hear me friend, this isn’t time to do more things, it is your time to stop. To stop and allow your feet to lead you into the presence of God. The only one that can take your pain, instability, confusion, insecurity and make it a tool to harness YOU into a blessing that no man from your lineage has ever seen.

So for my Birthday – I have decided to stop complaining about quarantine. I have decided to stop worrying about what didn’t and isn’t happening. I am not going to obsess about how I am going to run after here in order that I might compensate for “lost” time and events. Instead I am going back to the basics of WHO I AM. I am going back in prayer – as Jabez. And as God speaks I am believing for a RE-DEFINATION from what the rat race has led me to believe and cherish

She Did it again!!

Once upon a time- a brown skinned, big eyed girl walked into a primary four classroom. I stared at her glass clear skin and eyes, that instant I knew we would be friends- or so I thought.

As the months passed, I learnt that this 9 year old angel was not only beautiful and lovable but also so very clever. She scored A’s in English, Science, social studies and Math! YES YOU HEARD ME, MATH TOO!!!Clearly, I was not of her kind- I had nothing to offer such brilliance! So, could we be friends? I didn’t think so anymore.

Day after day- I sneaked smiles in her direction, I sat next to her in devotions, I… blah, blah, blahed all to a fail. Day after day I saw only gulls- no sign of reciprocity.

But low and behold; as fate would have it, on one magical day, when golden glitters were being sprinkled by God, a particle fell on me. I like to think that that particle sparkled so bright- this new girl must have thought I was someone else. Someone more pleasant, more wise, somebody worth her time. For on this day- the day whose date I don’t remember. Moriah Nakazibwe talked to me!!!

It wasn’t only a word. That would have been satisfactory after all my efforts.

It wasn’t just a sentence. That would have been amazing after all my efforts.

It wasn’t a one off conversation. That would have been mind blowing after all my efforts.

It was the start of a life time conversation, a deep connection, friendship and real sisterhood. For 14 years ( still counting) we talk (ed) about school, God, Life, brokenness, dreams and BOYS! And this has been a real blessing

It has been a blessing because in Moriah I met a challenger, a content and contending spirit.

Moriah will strive for today to be better than tomorrow. She will go all out for what she believes in.

Moriah is full of ideas- ideas she makes happen.

Moriah has never let her self get in the way of anything she sees and wants. If she did- she made sure she climbed over herself.

I keep saying Moriah is not full of potential because potential is only a noun. Moriah is the doing word of potential. You don’t expect her to but she does!

Moriah will get what she wants.

Today- 4th January 2020- is especially special- because back in our senior high school year Moriah’s big eyes sparkled when they saw a young man called Alex Kaweesi. We thought it was a joke- we teased her about him. She laughed.

Alex laughed- not at our teasing of Moriah ( He was never let into what we thought of him😁) Alex laughed because Moriah’s charm captured him as it did I back in primary four. Apart from her cheeky infectious laugh- there was no words- just her lovable self standing there and being herself

As I was saying, this day is special because my sister found someone she can continue to share herself with. Someone that will listen, smile, support her and the wildness of her heart!

Today is special because as Moriah chokes on her vows amid her audience in Life church Seguku, it is clear she is doing what she does best, “giving her all to something that really matters to her

Today as Mr and Mrs Kaweesi march down the aisle together. I take in and let out three huge breaths- mostly because I know that with Alex- Moriah will unfold more beauty. I smile as Alex glues his eyes into Moriah- there is no doubt that Alex is the luckiest man alive. He has won a woman that has a divinely portioned ability to grow anything she brings close to herself.

Tears cloud my eyes- I try to sniff them away. Then I realize there is more than my sniff- I turn my head only to see Priscilla Kobugabe’s eyes turned red.

We look at each other and burst into laughter.

Priscilla’s shaky voice says, ” shoot Amanda, we promised this wouldn’t happen.” I stare right back at her in between laughter and tears and say,

” Priscilla- Moriah also said she wouldn’t look at her now.”

And there she stood in tears!

Congratulations Alex and Moriah!!!!

Grit- Greet thee

Whether the weather withers

Withers of all might, in the darkest of nights,

Upon no night, shall my cling give way.


O way, way, damn that word way!

Way, you will not weigh me away!

Way, away with you way!


I, hath borne what must be bore before,

Thus, I can carry through the blood, the thirst, the war,

And, this cold cold I can take much more.




Whether, the weather withers,

Withers of all might, in the darkest of nights,

Upon no night, shall my cling give way.


You can take, break,

You can block, mock

You can give, thieve

You can…

I shan’t give you way




From Girl to arching womanhood

It’s as if I can feel every inch of my own inadequacy-

It’s like-


Like an itch that can’t be scratched

A thirst that won’t be filled

A string that’s pulled too hard


The pain of waking up from a very, very, very beautiful dream that you realize can’t be attained.

It’s as if I can feel every inch of my own inadequacy-

My mind races down the lane- the long list of everything,

my head,

my friends,

our magazines,


my expectations

say I must be-

In this moment- I am not!

I hold my head up.

Spread that smile as spread on bread.

My insides shrink.

I realize the climb was not on a mountain- it was upon a tread mill…

I am stuck.

It’s as if I can feel every inch of my own inadequacy-

I run to hide- but on my back this hide doesn’t cover much.

My peeping flesh can see it’s;

claws digging in-

it’s green, red and blue melting flesh burning through my bones-

it’s dangling eye balls balling with the esteem of my very being.

The monster will not leave.

My panting, whooping dry cough and buckets of sweat is heaven to this ice coldness

And so I will close my eyes

I will squeeze and squeeze until I can hear a better voice.


When I finally get it- there is no sweeter release than finally scratching a stubborn itch

Nothing fresher than a drop of water on a prolonged thirst


This tread mill- will make the mountain climb quicker

After all, this monster is as feeble as a bruised reed

For this is only a feeling…..

(Fine art by Mark Johnson)

Taste of Uganda’s house of thought (1)

As of 21st May.

And so Uganda’s house of thought sat…

Uganda’s house of thought decided to discuss teenage pregnancy…

The majority females that sat in this Uganda house of thought suggested vehemently that; every girl who got pregnant in school especially primary, must be chased out of school-😳😳😳

When asked to give rationale to support this “solution” these “thinkers” said,

“the presence of pregnant girls in schools will encourage more sex”😳😳😳😳

And there- their “thought process” was complete- any challenger from now on will be the begotten child of the permissive spirit of promiscuity-😭- such a prophet will be stoned with bitter rocks wrapped in the pretext of the preservation of cultural morality!

On the other hand- the women and men of “grand thoughts” ( the ones in the Uganda house of thought) will be paid handsomely for this deeply “insightful remedy”

By and by, only the girl child will be expected to leave school- “because the girl child made herself pregnant”

By the by- to these great minds sexual feelings and desires are stirred mostly by the seeing of pregnant girls -not by hormones or no sex education… so it makes complete sense- see no pregnant girls- have no sexual desires- have no sex- have no in-school pregnancies. Watch out world 🌎 – Uganda’s house of thought 🇺🇬 might have just found out the secret to ending all untimely sexual activity among our young populations.

Now, you’d be a fool to think that this can’t work. But don’t ask me how it will work- for I cannot think as greatly as these fellas. However, I am imagining that the coercive power in this “insightful remedy” will be fear- think about it- when we chase pregnant girls out of school- the other girls will be too scared to engage sexually with the very charming boys before them. Also, the causation equation hasn’t come to me yet- but this action is somewhat supposed to deter boys from wooing the girls even when they know they can get away with it. Quintessentially we will arrive at a point x-a place where both girl and boy are way too coy to toy with each other and voila- the calculation is perfect- no more teenage pregnancies

I mean it’s true that this “insightful remedy” and coercive power isn’t really a new trend- actually, it is how most Ugandan families have treated and reacted to teenage mothers-yet still in-school pregnancies persist at an alarming rate- but maybe doing what is failing will work because it has come from the divine utterance of “Uganda’s house of thought

And while at this- we should trash the stats as well. I mean if nearly a quarter of Ugandan girls aged 15-18 get pregnant each year- it’s no biggie that these typically Primary six to senior four leavers are put out of school as punishment for daring to be fertile women. Also this abomination of early pregnancy has no other root cause than bad behavior- every girl that gives herself in for sex has no real solid other experiential pressures apart from their inability to control their sex drive- and of course the boy is just a victim to this cantankerous spirit of jezebel- so punish the girl- reward the boy with less crowded classrooms.

Oh also statistically less than 30% of the girls that are pushed out of school due to early pregnancies will go back to school. But that is not important- school has just made our women too big headed to control- so hey it’s a plus.😭😭😭

Wow Ugandan house of thought- if this is the kind of solution you are vomiting on us; I suggest you stop using our taxes in enforcing gender mainstreaming because clearly this one act is going to set the whole mission of women empowerment ten fold tracks further behind.

And my dear Ugandans we can’t afford to simply jest at wild proposals like these- we deserve better thinking and thinkers.

I know teenage pregnancies is a problem we are facing- I know abortion especially in our cultural context is a no go zone- but a pro-life country can cook up better solutions than chasing the girl child from school- Don’t you think so???

Yours Always-

Amanda from Uganda 🇺🇬

Meet Bwogi Byron!

It’s 01:02 am and I’m still wide awake. I should be snoring- as you should if you are reading this at such an odd hour- but as you are probably feeling; my mind too can’t shush- it is dancing from one thought to the next like a wild roller coaster- I can’t stop it- so I let it roam.

Finally my mind pauses at “Father’s Day”- I chuckle…those are very empty words for me. I try to form them out with my lips in the dark. Maybe they will make more sense. Nope… none at all- I can’t remember my father…all I know about him is his energy and oratory power…everyone at home says I took after him- and the Local council chairperson of Mugosu (my village) lauds him for his persuasive and very charismatic orations. Of course I only hear of all this- I know nothing of it really. So- ya the term father remains pretty alien to me

Then I scroll down memory lane again-maybe a new found sense of celebration for this day will be discovered there

I chuckle again- in this small dark room, I realize that for the longest time- the word father only formed from the lips of rich very loved kids; (at least that is what I thought then). You know what- I actually feared the sound of it because for the most part of my childhood my playmates said it to threaten me when I won too many times during our very rough wrestling games. Which, meant I was hitting them more than they were hitting me ( which was not the agreement at the start of the games) so they needed their father’s protection.

So especially if we are referring to biological fathers- I have nothing much to say- oh don’t get me wrong I have loads of imaginations- mostly because that’s how my mind suppresses painful regretful memories. But that is not what the celebration of Father’s Day is about! Right?

So for me Father’s Day ( in the spirit of celebration) brings to mind my mischievous step-grandfather. His handsome 50 year old face glowed with all the love I needed. Everything else, he made irrelevant.

Tata Bwogi Byron as we called him- loved me as much as he loved his liquor bottle. Whenever he was not in the company of the other men…it was my company he wanted- I was like his second bottle. Everywhere he sat- I sat and leaned into his feet- and he let me! He even sometimes let go of his waragi glass and embraced me.

Tata Bwogi Byron loved me- I know this because in all his shortcomings he never forgot me. You see when the spirit would hit his head- He’d go under his thin mattress- draw out his coin collection and allow me to ask for whatever I wanted- sometimes I would ask for sweets, chicken, soda and other times after my sisters whispered in my ears I’d ask for a dress- the next market day he would go out and come back with a polythene bag loaded with second hand dresses of all sizes and shapes and colors- at my age of 5 he’d even get me bras and tell me I’d grow into them🤣😂🤣😂

My tata Bwogi Byron loved me- he taught me his passions. For instance when he was really sober- he’d let me into his tiny carpentry shop. Right on my grandmother’s verander. Oh he was sooo proud of his art- an art that frustrated my grandma as it didn’t bring much food in- but that didn’t wear his pride down. And so on those bright sober days my grandpa would let me in- teach me how to hold a hammer and hit down stubborn nails. He also introduced me to WWE- hahahahaha my grandma and I sat and watched the action as he mistranslated the words for us- but we never knew, he spoke more English than my grandma and the 5 year old me combined – hehehehe….did I also mention that he made watching Power rangers compulsory for my big brother and I? Hahahahaha to- date that is probably the best rule ever!

I think that when we speak of celebrating Father’s Day- too many of us jump to looking for perfect score daddies- but is there any?

My daddy ( tata Bwogi Byron) as you have met him was so imperfect but so perfect too- so perfect in loving me even in and through his imperfections-

so the winning score here isn’t perfect “A” s but rather imperfect “A” s- meaning that you are still able to teach, love and grow your children even with the saddling hurdle of your human-ness! Our imperfections should never be an excuse for being less than our children deserve!

So this is how my tata Bwogi story ends.

In September 2008 he passed on due to a chronic cough he contracted from his drinking friends. The night of his death- I was tucked away in my bed ( in boarding school) I saw him walk into my room, to my bed, and he bid me farewell. Some say it was a dream- I don’t know but the very next day my big sister came to school and told me that tata Bwogi Byron had taken his last breath the previous night.

I celebrate him today- for he was so brave in loving me even when his weakness was so visible- he never hid- never ran- never heard the mockery- he just loved us as best as he knew how!

As you Rest In Peace tata Bwogi Byron- Know that we still celebrate you!!!!

The Glory Of Easter 🐣

He walked this earth’s soil.

In him:

wild passions and grand self ambitions did boil.

His body was a mixture of flesh and blood-

So with much sin he did toil.

And though the story of his gruesome treachery makes us coil,

Judas Iscariot is the spitting image of each one of us.

You see,

We seat and hear the words of the Christ,

We feast and see the wonders of His might,

We drop a tear,

Make confessions in fear,

But we remain burdened by the cross of our own greed,

Our supposed need.

You see,

Judas Iscariot is the spitting image of each one of us…

For we have all betrayed Christ for the sake of our own lot!

He walked this earth’s soil.

In him:

wild passions and grand self ambitions did boil.

His body was a mixture of flesh and blood-

So with much sin he did toil.

And though the story of his relentless denial makes us coil,

Simon peter is the spitting image of each one of us.

You see,

We boast in the firmness of our Zeal for the Christ,

But our hearts remain weak in the face of evil entice.

We are more confident in our love for Him than His love for us,

But our hearts remain weak in the face of evil entice.

We embrace more religion-

As we become blind to Christ’s vision-

A tapestry of Love and selfless devotion-

And so our hearts remain weak in the face of evil entice.

You see,

Simon Peter is the spitting image of each one of us…

For we have all denied Christ to save our own reputation.

She walked this earth’s soil.

In her:

wild passions and grand self ambitions did boil.

Her body was a mixture of flesh and blood-

So with much sin she did toil.

And though the story of her repulsive prostitution makes us coil,

Mary Magdalene is the spitting image of each one of us.

You see,

We sell ourselves to pleasures and many materialistic treasures.

We pervert the excellence of Christ-

To serve the darkness of immorality-

And so our loyalty to Christ

Is sacrificed to the worship of consumerism and emotional whims.

You see,

Mary Magdalene is the spitting image of each one of us…

For we have all given our hearts to other men!

But Oh!

The glory of His resurrection!

The glory of Easter is this,

That in the remorse of my Iscariotness

He dooms me not to death

But calls me to be loved


The glory of His resurrection!

The glory of Easter is this,

That in the feebleness of my heart

He dooms me not to rejection

But call me to be His co-heir


The glory of His resurrection!

The glory of Easter is this,

That He casts me not away

But calls me to be His FRIEND!!!

Oh Yes

Even in all that I am not

I am His Passion

So I rejoice that MY CHRIST IS RISEN!!!





Unmonsterizing Me

#TameYourMonster #SilenceIsGolden #BlownFeelings #Anger #ChooseWhatDefinesYou

*In the Moment*




But press your lips tightly together

Allow your heart to pound as fast as it needs to….

Let the fire out through your ears- now through your nose…

Swallow hard- Now swallow harder

But press your lips tightly together

Let your eyes squint- Let the tears well up in them

Stare into space

Let the tears flow-

But press your lips tightly together

Do you feel your mind racing- Go whereever it takes you-

Spoil yourself- with whatever you want

Whether its pity, encouragement or impossiblity

But press your lips tightly together

Has it helped?

Not yet?

When the fury is down-

When this- your vengeful monster is gone

When-once again you are sane

When you realise that you;

Have said no thoughless word

Expressed no regretable passion and hate

Then you will be fine.

#StupidWisdom #Wisdom #WordsofWisdom #WordaBeautifulWords

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