The Saintly and Un-Saintly

A saintly life is only for the sent,

Not for the me that cannot lent,

Not for the Me that can relent.

A saintly life is only for the bright,

Not for the Me that fate hasn’t deemed as part of that plight.

For a saint;

must march straight,

love and speak right…

He mustn’t stain a thing,

nor harbor any hate-


As my body shrinks- as my heart expands, as I realize my place in this demonic world system of oppression- How can I be a saint?

How can I love You when You have what I want?

How, when You mercilessly and thoughtlessly take what is mine, what I need!

How, when my mind is marred with the pains of loss,

With the cross of rejection- and the charity of pity

See, I too want to live saintly

But I cannot get myself to forgive and feel less- when my whole being is stolen away by You!

I cannot pretend that all these…feelings aren’t there

I dread You as much as I hate You-

I’d kill- had You not over dosed me with this,

…your saintly pill…

Clearly You are a better person-

For in your treason-

You can forge a beautiful smile.

As You cast me in prison-

You can sooth me over with kind empty words.

In this portion of your poison-

there is an addictive sweetness-

Clearly You are a better person

For You are a saint

So unlike the rest of us You have mastered the art of wickedness, wretchedness and all forms of selfishness with a tint of righteousness-

Yes, Saintly man!

You are a better person- But underneath your egg shell careful walks and acts we all know that you are only a saint because you are exactly what the Devil is:

A hypocrite that is as bad as I

And I- I- I  am a fool,

For I saw it all too late!


via Daily Prompt: Saintly

( Previously posted on my old blog: Fanatic Seeker)

Published by Amanda Ainengonzi😍

Telling our stories - through the voice of those that are US but seldom hear ... Not speaking for the voiceless - but rather giving them the mic - That’s what I am about!

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